We have developed good business relationships with some clients spanning many years.
自 2006 年至今,四合品牌设计已参与完成超过 180 个项目,服务了 100+ 客户。
Inspired by "You Choose, You Chase" — Cafe Chochase is a creative interplay and experimentation between Chinese aesthetics and Western culture.
「秋」茶社手工咖啡品牌设计及应用。源自 “随心所选,随意所寻” ,一次中式美学与西方文化的创意品玩与尝试。
A multi-disciplinary architecture and interior design studio with experience across various project types specializing in integrating design disciplines.
衡立威建筑(Studio MH)是一家拥有 10 多年丰富经验的建筑和室内设计公司,擅长跨领域整合与协作,拥有丰富的多样化项目经验。我们有幸为其提供了品牌升级与网站设计开发服务。
After 6 years, we have once again undertaken a brand visual upgrade for CROWN HOME (CHBL). While preserving the original sense of quality, we have infused the brand with more youthful elements, revitalizing it with fresh energy.
时隔六年,我们再次为 CROWN HOME 英国皇冠地产(CHBL)完成了品牌视觉升级。在保留原有质感的基础上,为品牌注入了更多年轻化基因,使其焕发出全新的活力。
A new identity system for Chongqing based florist & photography studio - YOU Do YOU
“言己言” 花艺摄影品牌更新
Rebranding for Zhao Jian San Xian - A Beijing-based professional photography agency.
New website for MIVA, an interior design studio located in Shanghai, founded by MIKE and EVA in 2018, focusing on high-quality residential interior design.
MIVA 工作室全新网站,这家位于上海的室内设计团队由 MIKE 和 EVA 于 2018 年创立,专注于高品质住宅设计。
The official website of Fosun Foundation. A non-profit organization launched and supported by the Fosun Group and Fosun Foundation.
UNOLAI GROUP envisions and produces innovative lighting creations. Leveraging their parallel strengths, crafting lifestyles that shine through design and product solutions.
作为一个充满创意和行动力,架构多元平行的设计优势团队;UNOLAI GROUP 透过其设计服务和产品创造空间和品味,让生活因為光而改变。
Brand identity and website designed for Wuyuan - a Shanghai based real estate agency.
A design refresh for one of our favourite podcast hosted by Jeff & Jennifer.
Pod of Thrones 播客视觉更新
Logo animation created for the Explore English's new identity.
全新品牌 logo 视频片头
The essence of HEXADOT‘s new identity is, obviously, home.
为伦敦室内设计工作室 HEXADOT 进行品牌更新,把 “家” 融入其中。
Visual Identity 品牌视觉
Focuses on paper as a way to collect images, words and pictures that can be felt, exchanged and preserved. VW publishes a small pool of designers through mediums that are often forgotten or over-looked.
专注于将纸张作为一种收集图像、文字的方式,并通过感知得以留存。Valentine West 专为一些容易被忽视的设计师们提供媒介发布。
CHBL is a boutique agency based in the heart of London, specialising in luxury residential homes. Since 2018, we worked closely with CHBL to overhaul their brand, website, sales collaterals and social medias.
英国皇冠地产(CHBL)是伦敦市中心一家专注高端住宅的房产代理。 自 18 年至今,期间合作涵盖了从品牌更新、网站建设到社交媒体运营等一系列服务。
As part of the core cycle of the global bulk goods trading market, Guokai Metal Resources has been driving the fast growth of spot transactions for bulk commodities and is playing a paramount role in the trading of nonferrous metals.
Branding Design 锡产投资(香港)品牌视觉
Website created for BFC Shanghai.
A self-taught artist whose art comes alive around textural movement with the use of colour and various materials.
自学成器的艺术家 Patric Purnell 个人网站,其艺术作品在不同颜色及材质间切换自如,尤富生命力。
Visual Identity 品牌视觉
A catalog of delicacies for the fashion designer Tiago Valente.
时尚设计师 Tiago Valente 作品集
An international lighting design company providing professional architectural lighting services.
十聿照明设计(Unolai Lighting Design & Associates)公司官网设计开发
A space design firm that integrates culture, art, fashion and high technology to enhance clients' brand images through disruptive solutions and experiences.
空间设计公司 Link+ Architects 始终致力于融会文化、艺术、时尚与高科技,为顾客提供颠覆性空间体验解决方案,帮助客户提升形象。
Ares philosophy is to seek innovative and functionnal design solution to each challenge. Their website is no exception.
寻找创新又同时能够解决实际问题的设计是景会设计(Ares Partners)的工作哲学,其公司网站也不例外。
App UI / UX design
An exclusive resort with 4 luxury villas nestled on the hillside of a wild and lush valley with expansive views reaching all the way to the sungi river, Ubud, Bali.
巴厘岛静溪私人度假酒店位于乌布一处植被丰富的静谧山谷中,4 套林中别墅均享有开阔视野以及 Sungi River 景观。
Logo 品牌识别
Brochure design for an association of italian companies specialized in food and design.
源自意大利,专注当地美食与艺术设计的 CASAVALLI 宣传画册设计。
Navigate through photojournalist Darcy's stories from China to Venezuela to Myanmar.
从中国到委内瑞拉再到缅甸,网站独特的导航体验带你随 Darcy 一起发现镜头背后的故事。
A deconstructed gallery for the Chinese artist Dio Zhao.